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The Research on Research (RoR) Team

We are based at the School of Healthcare Enterprise and Innovation, the University of Southampton as part of the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre. We investigate and provide robust evidence on the management, delivery and dissemination of research among funders and the wider research community.

Katie Meadmore

Amanda Blatch-Jones

Alex Recio

Ksenia Crane

Hazel Church

The Advisory Group

The Advisory Group for the RoR registry and hub is a group of experts working in the RoR field who provided advice on the creation of the registry and the space for the RoR community. The RoR team and Advisory group are working in collaboration on activities to support the adoption of the RoR registry by the community.

Sarah Parks

Andrew Mott

Cherish Boxall

Heidi Green

Sarah Thomas

Shaun Treweek

Shaun Leamon

Catherine Blewett

Elaine Williams

Kathryn Fackrell

James Wilsdon

Steven Wooding

Collaborations and support

The Research on Research registry and hub collaborates with initiatives and groups that look at specific areas of research activity to support our aim of bringing together and connecting different communities within the research on research space. We also support and are supported by these groups working in projects, organising events or presenting seminars.​


TrialForge promotes a systematic approach to making trials more efficient by looking across all processes and adding up small gains in design and delivery, improving the trial system as a whole.

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The Ensuring Value in Research Funders’ Forum (EViR) offers an international community of shared practice and facilitated learning to increase the value of health-related research.

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COMET Initiative

The Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials Initiative (COMET) develops agreed standardised outcomes sets that should be measured and reported as a minimum in all clinical trials in specific areas of health or health care.

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The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. The declaration was developed in 2012 during the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco. It has become a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines and all key stakeholders including funders, publishers, professional societies, institutions, and researchers. 

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F1000Research is an Open Research publishing platform for scientists, scholars and clinicians offering rapid publication of articles and other research outputs without editorial bias. All articles benefit from transparent peer review and editorial guidance on making all source data openly available. 

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MetaROR is a collaborative platform for metaresearch (research on research) that uses a "publish-review-curate" model to foster open science and move beyond traditional academic journals. MetaROR has been designed to break down silos and enhance collaboration, open science, and community ownership, encouraging open science practices and providing an alternative to traditional, paywalled journals.

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We would like to thank the involvement and support of Dani Preedy, Liz Tremain, and Richard Dudley from the NIHR Evaluation, Studies and Trials Coordinating Centre, and Matt Westmore from the Health Research Authority; previous team members Simon Fraser and Emannuel Asante and previous Advisory Group members Jonathan Best (Wellcome), Alison Booth (University of York), Susan Guthrie (RAND Europe) and Julia Dickinson (UKRI).

Michael Stock for his expertise and skills to create the registry/hub website and Pawel Morawski for his ongoing work to maintain and update the registry website with all its components.

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